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Burning LightScribe media

LightScribe Technology:

Wypalony no¶nik LightScribeLightScribe is a technology that allows you to burn labels on specially prepared CD / DVD media. The layer that is covered by the media allows you to apply any graphics or text with the laser. This is because this layer is covered with a special dye that reacts to changing color when the infrared beam is absorbed at 780nm. Burnt labels can be added or duplicated to increase the contrast. The precision of firing the label again guarantees a special code applied to the inner ring of the carrier. The burned-out carriers look very professional and one can easily say that they are the way to break their own brand in the rush of today's advertising. This is because LightScribe technology, due to the long burning process of the carrier, was not accepted as a mass advertising. It is, therefore, rare and therefore intriguing to the recipient. As an advertising professional on CD / DVD media, we also offer the ability to duplicate LightScribe media. Thanks to the devices designed for this purpose we have the ability to burn more than a dozen LightScibe media at the same time, thus reducing production time to a minimum.

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